Target: $100,000
Amount Raised: $
Last Updated: 1 August 2023
The 3PUMPKINS X KPMG campaign supports the community arts programme in TTKC.
As a community-based arts organisation, we strongly believe that the arts is a powerful medium to advance our mission to build supportive communities, enhance self-esteem, and innovate solutions for community. Over the years, we have worked with artists across disciplines from visual arts, music, performing arts, to social arts.
Through a series of fundraising activities, the partnership aims to raise $100,000. The campaign is supported by the Toteboard Enhanced Fundraising programme for matching funds, and ends 31 March 2025. Please note that donations are not eligible for tax-exemption.
Please support this campaign if you believe in the joy and inspiration that the arts can bring to the children!
Ways to Make a Donation
Paynow: Please donate via the QR code provided below
Manual transfer: Please direct your donations to
3Pumpkins Limited
UEN 201918810N
DBS Bank 0029075622
Reference: 3Pumpkins x KPMG
Please ensure that the reference is written accurately to qualify for Toteboard matching fund.