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Nur Eshal Khairiya
Binte Mohamad Shaferi, 11

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“I am Boyanese”, Nur Eshal Khairiya Binte Mohamad Shaferi says proudly of her heritage. How has she come to associate herself with Boyanese culture, and what does she understand about being Boyanese?

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Featured Caregiver:

Mother, Kariinah Fitri Wani Binte Kasron


Dish of Choice:

Ketupat (rice cake), sayur lodeh (vegetable curry), ayam masak merah (spicy tomato chicken), sambal telur burung (quail egg cooked in spicy sauce)


Have a listen to Eshal's reflection in this journey of documenting her mother cooking up a storm or read on in the transcript below.

Interview with Eshal
00:00 / 03:11

Shiyun: That day, your mother cooked a lot of stuff


Eshal: Yeah my mother cooked 3 stuff: Ayam Merah, Sambal Telok (quail eggs), and Sayur Lontong


Shiyun: How about daily? What do you guys eat?


Eshal: Daily, we eat like anything


Shiyun: Anything? As in, what is anything?


Eshal: Like Lontong, Sambal, or like sandwich, or maybe like egg


Shiyun: Mmm, is she the one who cooks everyday?


Eshal: Erm, me, her and my grandfather


Shiyun: Oh okay, so you also cook



Eshal: Yeah, I cook like a lot of stuff because she like teach me how to cook, then my great-grandmother teach me how to cook, but then like she, I cannot see her anymore because she passed away already


Shiyun: Mmm, when did you first learn how to cook? Do you remember?


Eshal: Mm, 6 or 7


Shiyun: So is it when your great-grandmother is cooking, your mother is cooking, your grandfather is cooking, they will always let you be in the kitchen?


Eshal: Yeah


Shiyun: So you can help out


Eshal: Yeah, I can help out. Then I asked my mother why they want me to cook, then she said “because when you grow old, you’re gonna be a mother, then you must cook a lot of stuff… then later when I’m not around, how? I cannot cook for you and stuff. You must cook yourself” I started cooking a lot of dishes like kimchi, I know how to cook kimchi-


Eshal: Yeah


Shiyun: You know how to make kimchi? How do you make kimchi?


Eshal: It’s like, you need cabbage, then like the seasoning all. I make a lot. My grand- my father and my mother love to eat kimchi, so I cook a lot lah. We cook like 3 kimchi


Shiyun: 3 big cabbages?


Eshal: Yeah


Shiyun: Oh okay. Wow, so amazing. Next time you should cook in TTKC also. I have never seen you cook here.


Shiyun: In the workshop, you mentioned that, erm, very clearly, that you’re Boyanese


Eshal: Yeah, I’m Boyanese. My mother said I’m Boyanese


Shiyun: What does it mean by you’re Boyanese?


Eshal: Boyanese… I don’t know. My mother said that. Then I asked her, “what is Boyanese?” She said, “Oh Boyanese? Malay only. Not like full malay. It’s like just malay”


Shiyun: Like a malay tribe?


Eshal: Mmhmm

Shiyun: And what are the characteristics? What is special about Boyanese?


Eshal: Boyanese ermm… they have their own language. They don’t speak like Malay. They speak their own language. Then they have darker skin. But then I have lighter skin because my father, my real father, has lighter skin. Boyanese people, like when they count down, they always have that angry angry face


Shiyun: Do you feel that you have an angry angry face?


Eshal: Not really lah (Shiyun laughs) Sometimes I don’t want to show people my angry face cause I don’t want them to (be) afraid of me, I don’t want people to talk bad about me, talk behind my back. Then I don’t like -

Shiyun: Are Boyanese people known to be very angry?


Eshal: Not that angry lah. You see the face like very angry, but when you talk to them, very kind


Shiyun: Ah, they just look fiercer, is it?


Eshal: Yeah, then their food is the best



Shiyun: Did you discover something new through this project?


Eshal: I kinda like this project man. It’s like very fun. I like to take pictures a lot. Then I like to tell people about my story. And then it’s very fun because I get to meet new people.


This project was completed in 2022. Photography mentored by Larry Toh.

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